Sausio 8 d., 20 val. „Rasų radijo“ galerijoje išgirsite ketvirtąją  laidų ciklo „Antistatika“ dalį, kurioje po pertraukos bus pristatoma 2022 m. pasirodysianti nauja „Operomanijos“ vinilo plokštelė, kurioje įamžintas ypač daug atgarsio pastaraisiais metais sulaukęs kūrinys – garso patirtis Vilniaus gete, pavadinta daugiasluoksniu žodžiu „Glaistas“.


On the 8th of January at 8PM on ‘Rasos Radio’ gallery you will hear the 4th episode of ‘Antistatika’. After a break the show will present the new vinyl record of ‘Operomanija’ that will be released in year 2022. It captures a work that has resonated greatly in recent years – the sound experience in the Vilna Ghetto, called the multi-layered word ‘Glaistas’ (‘The Filler’). The work of young artists (director Mantas Jančiauskas, playwright Rimantas Ribačiauskas and composers Jūra Elena Šedytė and Andrius Šiurys) was shown for the first time in 2019 in October. The first work of this creative team not only received a lot of feedback from the participants of the former Vilna Ghetto, but was immediately awarded the highest Lithuanian theater award – the Golden Cross of the Stage for Dramaturgy.

At the Judaica Research Center of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania we met with researcher Dr. Lara Lempertienė to talk about what sort of form this sound experience has taken in the release, about the constantly pounding and repetitive, polyphonic history of the Jewish Holocaust in Lithuania and how its meaning in ‘Glaistas’ stands out in the context of today’s culture. The host of the show – Veronika Janatjeva.

Rerun of the radio show – January 9th at 12 p.m.,