LMIC grojaraštis #2: Daydreamer

Britų eksperimentinės muzikos ansamblis „Apartment House“ Londone įrašė debiutinį kompozitoriaus Juliaus Aglinsko albumą pavadinimu „Daydreamer“. Projektą inicijavo britų muzikantas ir lietuvių kilmės menininkas Antonas Lukoszevieze, atidžiai sekantis Juliaus Aglinsko kūrybą.

LMIC playlist #2: Daydreamer

British experimental music ensemble Apartment House have recorded a debut album by composer Julius Aglinskas titled Daydreamer in London. The project was initiated by Anton Lukoszevieze, a British musician and artist of Lithuanian descent, who closely follows the work of Julius Aglinskas.

“I like Julius’ work because it’s very individual. It’s his voice. He is not trying to be someone else. For a young composer, I think, it’s quite interesting. Some composers have lots of phases, stages in their work and they try to be something that they’re not. Not everyone, but sometimes you hear it. I’m just not convinced that it’s really them. I think the hardest thing for any artist or composer is to be true to yourself”, – says Anton Lukoszevieze, the founder and leader of the ensemble Apartment House.

Gordon MacKay, Mira Benjamin – violins
Bridget Carey – viola
Anton Lukoszevieze – cello
Alan Thomas – el. guitar
Simon Limbrick – percussion
Siwan Rhys – piano
Kerry Yong – electric keyboard
Gavin Morrison – bass flute
Heather Roche – bass clarinet