
Unarcheology Radio #3

This ‘Unarcheology Radio’ mix presents a selection of Frogs from all over the world mixed together with ancient Japanese temple bells, dating from 8th and 17th century.

Frogs and toads produce a rich variety of sounds, calls, and songs during their courtship and mating rituals. The callers, usually males, make stereotyped sounds in order to advertise their location, their mating readiness and their willingness to defend their territory; listeners respond to the calls by return calling, by approach, and by going silent. Each species has a distinct call, though even among the same species, different dialects are found in different regions. Although humans cannot detect the differences in dialects, frogs distinguish between regional dialects. For example, male bullfrogs can recognize the calls of their direct territorial neighbors. By ignoring the calls of these neighbors, they save energy, and only vocalize aggressively in response to an intruder’s call. In this way, calls establish territories, but they also attract females.

Depending on the region that the frog lives in, certain times of the year are better for breeding than others, and frogs may live away from the best breeding grounds when it is not the species’ mating season. During the breeding season, they congregate to the best breeding site and compete for call time and recognition.

Bonshō (梵鐘, Buddhist bells), also known as tsurigane (釣り鐘, hanging bells) or ōgane (大鐘, great bells) are large bells found in Buddhist temples throughout Japan, used to summon the monks to prayer and to demarcate periods of time. Rather than containing a clapper, bonshō are struck from the outside, using either a handheld mallet or a beam suspended on ropes.

Image: Jim Woodring “Inspiration”

00:01 Shomyoji Bonsho (1301), Kanasawa

00:01 Alytes cisternasii

00:37 Alytes muletensis

00:54 Kenchoji Temple (1255), Kamakura

01:14 Litoria rothii

02:20 Alytes obstetricans

02:27 Neobatrachus pelobatoides

03:00 Australian Whistling Frogs

03:07 Onoejinja Temple, Kamogawa

03:10 Bombina variegata

05:05 Heleioporus inornatus

05:28 Bombina bombina

06:15 Todaiji Temple, Daibutsu (1239), Nara

07:38 Pelobates fuscus

08:00 Breviceps sopranus

08:28 Pelobates fuscus

08:39 Afrixalus aureus

08:47 Pelodytes punctatus

09:16 Kanzeonji Temple (7th C.), Dazaifu (Kyushu)

10:39 Xenopus laevis

11:30 Myoshini Temple (AD 698), Kyoto, Hanazono (Ukyo)

11:59 Rana temporaria

12:39 Rana iberica

12:51 Rana pyrenaica

12:56 Amietia angolensis

13:18 Neobatrachus sutor

13:25 Artroleptella landdrosia

13:36 Rana ridibunda

13:53 Rana temporaria

14:08 Bufotes viridis

14:25 Chion-in Temple (1633), Kyoto, Higashiyama

14:25 Geocrinia leai

15:06 Rana dalmatina

15:20 Rana lessonae

15:32 Rana perezi

15:48 Rana arvalis

15:54 Shofukuji Temple, Fukuoka (Kyushu)

15:57 Crinia glauerti

16:02 Schismaderma carens

16:19 Rana arvalis

16:45 Pelophylax kl. esculentus

16:51 Notaden nichollsi

17:20 Rana sqhiperica

17:22 Rana arvalis

17:32 Breviceps macrops

17:35 Rana dalmatina

18:15 Rana iberica

18:50 frog’s symphony in Buckeye Creek Farm Cherokee GA

19:09 Rana latastei

19:45 Breviceps macrops

20:45 Rana perezi

20:59 Isehara (near Yokohama)

21:19 Rana kl. esculenta

21:21 Ranoidea splendida

21:35 Arthroleptella villiersi

22:23 Rana ridibunda

22:30 Discoglossus pictus

22:43 Hyla meridionalis

23:36 Discoglossus sardus

24:00 Bombina bombina

24:08 Kasaokidera temple

24:40 Discoglossus galganoi

25:17 Lithobates virgatipes

25:29 Engakuji Temple (1301), Kamakura

25:32 Bufo bufo

26:09 Shofukuji temple

26:45 Rana epirotica

27:15 Phrynobatrachus acridoides

27:23 Epidalea calamita

27:40 Rana catesbeina

28:09 Rana epirotica

28:35 Heleioporus eyrei

29:13 Rana bergeri

29:20 Bufo viridis

29:26 Kasaokidera Temple, Kyoto

29:50 Pelophylax kl. grafi

30:00 Rana perezi

30:30 Afrixalus fornasini

30:36 Frogs in Casalbono, Romagna

30:50 Enjoji Temple, Otsu (near Kyoto)